Planning Commission
If you wish to contact the Planning Commission members to provide information or comments, please contact Brian Shea, Planning Director at or 305-289-4112. You may always drop information at the City offices located at 9805 Overseas Highway. All information provided will be given to each of the Planning Commissioners at your request.
Membership and Terms:
The planning commission is composed of the following five (5) members who are appointed by the City Council, and serve a term concurrent with that of the appointing Council member and a non-voting representative of the school district appointed by the School Board.
Committee Members
- Mary Ann Royse, Chairman
- Mike Cinque, Vice-Chairman
- Andrew George
- Hiram Machado
- Matt Sexton
Fred Sims, School Board Appointed Member
The areas of planning, environmental science, and the development industry together with the geographical representation of the city shall be considered.
Notice Regarding Ex-Parte Communications
An ex-parte communication is defined as any contact, conversation, communication, writing, correspondence, memorandum or any other verbal or written communication that takes place outside a public hearing between a member of the public and a member of a quasi-judicial board, regarding matters which are to be heard and decided by said quasi-judicial board. Site visits and expert opinions are also considered ex-parte communications. In the event that someone contacts a Board Member about a quasi-judicial matter outside of a public meeting, at such time that particular issue is brought before the Board, the Board Member must state on the record the existence of any ex-parte communication, the nature of the communication, the party who originated the ex-parte communication and whether the ex-parte communication will affect the Board Member’s ability to impartially consider the evidence presented
The Planning Commission (PC) shall have the powers and duties as provided in Fla. Stat. 163.3174.
A. Appeals: The PC shall hear and decide appeals where it is alleged that an error has been committed in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by any administrative official made pursuant to the LDR’s, except where state or City LDRs specifically provide otherwise as provided in Article 17 “Appeals” of Chapter 102.
B. Final Site Plan Review: The PC shall review and approve final site plans in accordance with the provisions of Article 9, Chapter 102 “Site Plan Review”
C. Final Plats: Unless the development and subsequent final plat is subject to the requirements of Article 12 “Subdivision Regulations” of Chapter 102, the PC shall review and approve final plats in accordance with the provisions of Article 10, “Platting” of Chapter 102.
D. Variances: The PC shall hear and may grant variances from the development standards of the LDRs in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 “Variance” of Chapter 102.
E. Conditional Uses: The PC shall review and make recommendations to the Council on conditional use requests as specified in Article 13 “Conditional Use Permit” of Chapter 102.
F. Plan Text and Map Amendments: The PC shall review and make recommendations to the Council on Large Scale text and map amendments to the City of Marathon Comprehensive Plan.
G. LDR Text and Zoning Map Amendments: The PC shall review and make recommendations to the Council on Zoning Maps and Land Development Regulation amendments, with recommendations to the Council as to the consistency of the regulation or change with the comprehensive plan.
H. Development Agreements: The PC shall review and make recommendations to the Council on development agreements.
I. Monitor Comprehensive Plan: The PC shall monitor and oversee the effectiveness and status of the comprehensive plan and recommend to the Council such changes in the comprehensive plan as may from time to time be required, including preparation of the periodic reports required by Fla. Stat. 163.3191.
J. Knowledge and Expertise: The PC shall make its special knowledge and expertise available upon reasonable written request and authorization of the Council to any official, department, board, commission, or agency of the City, county, state or federal government.
K. Rules of Procedure: The PC shall adopt such rules of procedure necessary for the administration of their responsibilities not inconsistent with this article to govern its proceedings.