Tropical Storm Update
Residents and visitors should finish preparations for Tropical Storm Elsa today, July 5. Stormy weather is set to start after sunset, with the worst of it near midnight.
“Be prepared for things to start happening. Bring in your garbage cans and pick up the yard,” said Garrett. “Also, be aware that the stormy weather will continue through Tuesday.”
Keys officials are expecting squalls, rather than sustained winds in the Middle Keys. Squalls are bands of fast moving weather with potentially dangerous winds and heavy rain that could bring down trees or limbs, affecting communications and utilities in some neighborhoods.
“When the sun goes down, that’s a good time to be indoors, especially for the marine community,” said John Rizzo, the National Weather Service’s warning coordination meteorologist. “In fact, nobody should set out after dark. Plan to stay in.”
City of Marathon beaches and parks are closed today and will not reopen until after the storm has passed.
At 8 a.m.,Tropical Storm Elsa was located 230 miles south of Marathon. It has winds of 65 mph and a forward speed of 14 mph. Tropical storm force winds extend 70 miles from the center.
Vulnerable residents and visitors — in mobile homes, RVs, low-lying areas and liveaboards — have been advised to leave or shelter in place in a safe structure.
The next update is at 7 p.m. tonight.