Sunset Bay Park on Grassy Key
The City of Marathon is filled with natural treasures such as Sunset Bay Park on Grassy Key’s gulfside (Morton Street and Kyle Avenue). Comprised of three lots, the park also has an upland hammock of vegetation. While wandering among the growth several species of palms can be identified. Native species of Gumbo Limbo, Poisonwood, Sea Grape, Mahogany and Mangrove (white, black and red) provide habitat for crabs and songbirds. White Crown Pigeons make their way in to feed on the Poisonwood berries; Hawks and Vultures patrol the sky; Osprey whistles can pierce the silence or the steady beat of a woodpecker can set the pace for the songs of the Mockingbird and Cardinal. Humming birds flit across and through the undercover checking out the flowering vines of the area.