Protective measures


Elevate Florida is a first-of-its-kind, groundbreaking statewide residential mitigation program. Led by the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM), this program is designed to protect homes and communities by reducing damage caused by natural disasters like hurricanes and floods.

For more information about Elevate Florida visit the portal at or the State’s website at

Utility Department Magnet

The City of Marathon Utility Department would like to remind its residents and tourists that items that might say “flushable” most likely are not. Items such as cleaning wipes, disposable diapers, hair, grease, condoms, facial wipes, and feminine hygiene products such as tampons and pads, belong in the trash and not the toilet. These items can clog our sewer lines and damage pumps and other equipment. Not only are these problems expensive to fix, they can also cause raw sewage to overflow into homes, businesses, and the local waterways. So, think trash, not toilets!

boat ramp photo

UPDATE:  Residents or property owners that purchase a new vehicle or register a vehicle in the City going forward, will still need to register their vehicles with the City to be exempt from the boat launch and parking fees.

House in Flood Waters Image

There are many things that you need to know about flood safety and how living within Marathon places you in a NFIP participating community that is entirely within the Special Flood Hazard Area.


Know your Flood Hazard