Affordable & Workforce Housing

The City of Marathon’s municipal code contains detailed provisions for affordable and workforce housing to address the housing needs of its residents, particularly those in low to moderate-income brackets and essential workforce roles.  The City does not prohibit or create barriers against affordable housing. In fact, the City encourages private sector development of affordable housing.

Affordable Housing (Section 104.03)

This section defines affordable housing as units accessible to residents whose income does not exceed specific thresholds, ensuring their housing costs remain below 30% of household income. It includes guidelines for development, eligibility, and maintenance to promote housing availability within the community.

Affordable—Early Evacuation Residential Units (Section 104.02.1)

These residential units are a subset of affordable housing designed with early evacuation in mind, ensuring the safety of low- to moderate-income residents during emergencies like hurricanes.  To support the City of Marathon's workforce by alleviating constraints on affordable housing, the City participates in the Workforce-Affordable Housing Initiative, as approved during the June 13, 2018 meeting of the Administration Commission. Specific standards for construction, occupancy, and evacuation are outlined to enhance community preparedness and resilience.

Community Workforce Housing Units (Section 104.13)

Community Workforce Housing Units are a subset of affordable housing that target essential workers and acts as inclusionary housing for commercial development. The section specifies income qualifications and development standards, aiming to provide affordable and accessible housing to support these critical personnel in the local workforce.

Overall Objective

These combined efforts reflect Marathon’s commitment to addressing the housing crisis, supporting economic stability, and ensuring a sustainable, livable community for all residents, including essential workforce members and low- to moderate-income households.  The protection of existing and increased affordable housing opportunities is a priority set forth in the Comprehensive Plan.  The City understands that affordable housing is a Regional as well as local issue and must be addressed on a regional basis.

For more information contact City of Marathon’s Planning Department at (305) 289-4121