Voluntary Home Buyout Program
This program allows the government to purchase your property at the pre-Hurricane Irma fair market value for both the land and the structure. Priority properties are located in low- and moderate-income areas. Any existing structures will be demolished, and the property will be used for permanent open space, conservation, recreation, or stormwater management systems in perpetuity.
If you are interested in selling your property, please contact the City of Marathon, Planning Department obtain and sign the “Voluntary Acknowledge Form” required by the State of Florida. If you previously completed the interest form with Monroe County, indicating you’re interest in voluntary home buyout, please obtain and re-sign a current version of the form from the City.
A public meeting will be held regarding the program on Monday, August 13 at 5:30 p.m. at the Marathon City Council meeting to be held on that date. There will be a similar meeting to be held at the Monroe County Budget Meeting to be held on July 22, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the Marathon Government Center. For more information about the program, contact garrettg@ci.marathon.fl.us.